Desi month date today is 23 Phagun 2081 Bikrami and today Gregorian date is 6 March 2025. Additionally, you can compare the Bikrami calendar months name with the Gregorian calendar months name to find the date of upcoming desi months by understanding the list given below.
- 1st Magh - 13 January
- 1st Phagun - 12 February
- 1st Chet - 14 March
- 1st Vaisakh - 13 April
- 1st Jeth - 14 May
- 1st Harh - 15 June
- 1st Sawan - 17 July
- 1st Bhadon - 16 August
- 1st Asuu - 15 September
- 1st Katak - 15 October
- 1st Maghar - 14 November
- 1st Poh - 14 December
The subcontinent has the distinction of having one of the oldest indigenous calendars in the world. Many old people may or may not remember the full names of the months of the Islamic calendar and the names of the months of the Gregorian calendar but remember the names of the months of the Desi calendar. The real name of this calendar is Bikrami Calendar and it is also known as Punjabi Calendar, Desi Calendar, Saraiki Calendar, Desi Sal, and Jantri.
What is the Desi Calendar?
The Desi calendar is a traditional lunar-solar system that follows the movements of the sun and the seasons. It is commonly used in rural areas of Pakistan and India, particularly in Punjab. Many farmers rely on the Desi month date today to determine the best time for sowing and harvesting crops.
The concept of the Desi month date today holds great significance for many people in Pakistan, especially those who follow traditional agricultural and cultural practices. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which is widely used for official purposes, the Desi calendar is deeply rooted in historical and seasonal cycles, making it essential for festivals, farming, and cultural celebrations.
Desi Month Date Today in Pakistan
Since the Desi calendar is widely followed in Punjab and other parts of Pakistan, many people search for the Desi month date today in Urdu to better understand traditional timekeeping. Urdu newspapers and local Urdu websites often publish the current Desi month date today in Pakistan in Urdu to ensure accessibility for those who rely on it.
Importance of Desi Month Dates in Culture
Today's Desi month date is particularly important for tracking festivals such as Baisakhi, Lohri, and Basant.
Where to Find Desi Month Dates Online?
For convenience, many websites and apps provide the Pakistani Desi month date today in digital formats. Some even offer downloadable versions like Desi month date today in Urdu PDF, making it easy for users to access the traditional calendar on their mobile devices.
As the Desi calendar is known in different regions of the subcontinent, the names of the 12 desi months are slightly different in different regional languages. The Bikrami calendar year starts from the month of Vaisakh while the Islamic calendar year starts from the month of Muharram. Below is a list of Desi month names and seasons.
- Vaisakh, Baisakh, Visakh, Vsakh, Veesakh, Vasyuk (hot, cold, mixed weather)
- Jeth, Jeeth, Jyth (month of hot and cold weather)
- Harh, Haar, Harrh, Harr (hot humid, onset of monsoon)
- Sawan, Savn, Sawn (sweltering, hot, full monsoon)
- Bhadon, Bhado, Badru, Badra, Bhadra, Bhadri (moderate, light monsoon rains)
- Asuu, Asu, Asun, Aswj, Asi (temperate weather)
- Katak, Kati, Katy (mild cold).
- Maghar, Manghar (cold season)
- Poh (Month of severe winter)
- Magh, Mangh, Manha, Kunzla (extreme cold, fog)
- Phagun, Phagan, Arbasha (decrease in severity of cold, cold dry winds, arrival of spring)
- Chet, Chit, Chittar, Chetr (spring season)
It is said that the desi calendar originated in 100 BC during the reign of the king of India, Raja Bikramajit. That's why this calendar is called Bikrami calendar because of the name of Raja Bikram. Bikrami or Desi calendar is also three hundred and sixty-five (365) days, and 9 months of this calendar are thirty (30) days while one-month Vaisakh is thirty-one (31) days, and the remaining two months Jeth and Harh are thirty-two (32) days.
I hope you have now fully understood the names of Desi, Saraiki, Punjabi months, and the history of the Bikrami calendar. Additionally, you can also know today Islamic date in Pakistan.